Places in Cumbria

This page contains some details of towns and villages in Cumbria. There are a lot of these and I might have missed some. So, the list will be updated as and when I discover places that have been missed. Also, if you have suggestions for additions, please message me and I’ll do my best to incorporate them.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
AbbeytownNY 173 507Explorer 314
AckenthwaiteSD 505 817Explorer OL7
AdgarleySD 248 724Explorer OL6
AglionbyNY 448 565Explorer 315
AiketgateNY 480 466Explorer OL5
AikheadNY 236 492Exlorer 314, OL4
AikshawNY 123 462Explorer OL4
AiktonNY 273 534Explorer 314
AinstableNY 531 463Explorer OL5
AisgillSD 779 966Explorer OL19
AlbyfieldNY 548 524Explorer 315
AldinghamSD 283 711Explorer OL6
AldothNY 143 486Exlorer 314, OL4
AllenwoodNY 489 558Explorer 315
AllithwaiteSD 386 764Explorer OL7
AllonbyNY 081 430Explorer OL4
AlstonNY 716 462Explorer OL31
AmblesideNY 375 037Explorer OL5
Angerton, AllerdaleNY 229 571Explorer 314
AnnasideSD 090 860Explorer OL6
AnthornNY 195 585Explorer 314
Appleby-in-WestmorlandNY 684 201Explorer OL19
ApplethwaiteNY 264 256Explorer OL4
ArklebyNY 143 395Explorer OL4
ArlecdonNY 050 187Explorer 303, OL4
ArmasideNY 151 275Explorer OL4
ArmathwaiteNY 505 461Explorer OL5
ArnabySD 183 847Explorer OL6
ArnsideSD 458 788Explorer OL7
Arrad FootSD 307 807Explorer OL7
AsbyNY 063 205Explorer 303, OL4
AshgillNY 760 401Explorer OL31
Askam-in-FurnessSD 214 777Explorer OL6
AskhamNY 513 237Explorer OL5
AskertonNY 555 697Explorer 324
AspatriaNY145 417Explorer OL4
AughertreeNY 255 384Explorer OL4
AysideSD 391 834Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
BackbarrowSD 355 849Explorer OL7
BaggrowNY 177 419Explorer OL4
BaldwinholmeNY 338 519Explorer 315
BamptonNY 515 182Explorer OL5
Bampton GrangeNY 522 181Explorer OL5
Bandrake HeadSD 309 865Explorer OL7
BanksNY 566 646Explorer 315
Barber GreenSD 394 827Explorer OL7
BarbonSD 630 825Explorer OL2
BarcloseNY 443 629Explorer 315
BardseaSD 303 732Explorer OL7
BarepotNY 011 294Explorer 303
BarrasNY 843 120Explorer OL19
Barrow IslandSD 198 682Explorer OL6
Barrow-in-FurnessSD 198 690Explorer OL6
Barrows GreenSD 525 881Explorer OL7
BartonNY 486 264Explorer OL5
BassenthwaiteNY 231 323Explorer OL4
BaycliffSD 288 724Explorer OL6
BaylesNY 707 450Explorer OL31
BeanthwaiteSD 246 847Explorer OL6
BeaumontNY 348 593Explorer 315
Beck BottomSD 294 847Explorer OL7
Beck FootSD 616 965Explorer OL19
Beck HeadSD 446 847Explorer OL7
Beck SideSD 234 823Explorer OL6
BeckcesNY 416 277Explorer OL5
BeckermetNY 019 067Explorer 303, OL6
BeckfootNY 093 495Explorer OL4
BecksideSD 616 879Explorer OL19
BeethamSD 496 796Explorer OL7
BelahNY 391 578Explorer 315
Belle VueNY 375 560Explorer 315
BerrierNY 401 296Explorer OL5
BewaldethNY 210 348Explorer OL4
BewcastleNY 565 745Explorer 324
BiggarSD 186 662Explorer OL6
BiglandsNY 254 530Explorer 314
BigriggNY 001 132Explorer 303
BirkbyNY 060 375Explorer OL4
BirkerthwaiteSD 178 981Explorer OL5
Black CombeSD 135 854Explorer OL6
BlackbeckNY 030 068Explorer 303, OL6
BlackdykeNY 143 524Explorer 314
BlackfordNY 396 621Explorer 315
Blackpool GateNY 532 777Explorer 324
BlackwellNY 405 526Explorer 315
BlagillNY 740 474Explorer OL31
BlawithSD 288 883Explorer OL6
BleatarnNY 732 138Explorer OL19
BlencarnNY 637 312Explorer OL31
BlencogoNY 195 478Explorer 314, OL4
BlencowNY 451 305Explorer OL5
Blennerhasset,NY 178 415Explorer OL4
BlindbothelNY 118 274Explorer 303, OL4
BlindcrakeNY 148 348Explorer OL4
BlitterleesNY 109 523Explorer 314
BoltonNY 638 233Explorer OL19
Bolton Low HousesNY 236 443Explorer OL4
Bolton New HousesNY 247 438Explorer OL4
Bolton Wood LaneNY 254 440Explorer OL4
BoltongateNY 229 408Explorer OL4
BombyNY 522 177Explorer OL5
Bonning GateSD 478 951Explorer OL7
BootNY 176 011Explorer OL6
BootleSD 106 882Explorer OL6
BotcherbyNY 410 550Explorer 315
BothelNY182387Explorer OL4
Boustead HillNY292590Explorer 314
BouthSD328856Explorer OL7
Bowland BridgeSD418896Explorer OL7
BowmansteadSD300968Explorer OL6
Bowness-on-SolwayNY222627Explorer 314
Bowness-on-WindermereSD403969Explorer OL7
BowscaleNY359317Explorer OL5
BowstonSD498967Explorer OL7
BrackenberNY723197Explorer OL19
BrackenlandsNY256475Explorer 314, OL4
Brackenthwaite (near Wigton)NY294465Explorer OL4
Brackenthwaite (near Cockermouth)NY151221Explorer OL4
BraithwaiteNY231236Explorer OL4
Brampton (Carlisle)NY530609Explorer 315
Brampton (Eden)NY674234Explorer OL19
BrandlingillNY122266Explorer 303, OL4
BranstyNX976190Explorer 303
BranthwaiteNY058248Explorer 303, OL4
BrathayNY351031Explorer OL7
BraystonesNY007051Explorer 303
Brayton ParkNY163425Explorer OL4
Bretherdale HeadNY574050Explorer OL7
Briar RiggNY269241Explorer OL4
BridekirkNY117335Explorer OL4
Bridge FieldNY163458Explorer OL4
BridgefootNY056292Explorer 303, OL4
BrighamNY085303Explorer 303, OL4
BrigsteerSD480896Explorer OL7
BriscoNY 422 518Explorer 315
BriscoeNY022114Explorer 303, OL4
Broad OakSD113944Explorer OL6
BroadwathNY484552Explorer 315
BrockleymoorNY487368Explorer OL5
BroomfieldNY348480Explorer OL5
BroomNY666237Explorer OL19
BrothybeckNY337435Explorer OL5
BroughNY794145Explorer OL19
Brough SowerbyNY794128Explorer OL19
BroughamNY794145Explorer OL5
BroughtonNY075315Explorer 303, OL4
Broughton BeckSD283825Explorer OL6
Broughton CrossNY075302Explorer 303, OL4
Broughton EastSD380810Explorer OL7
Broughton-in-FurnessSD212875Explorer OL6
Broughton MillsSD223906Explorer OL6
Broughton MoorNY061345Explorer OL4
Broughton WestSD212876Explorer OL6
BrownberNY704057Explorer OL19
BrowtopNY061250Explorer 303, OL4
BrunstockNY416595Explorer 315
BrunthwaiteSD573882Explorer OL7
BuckabankNY368491Explorer OL5
BullgillNY094384Explorer OL4
Burgh by SandsNY326592Explorer 315
BurnesideSD515925Explorer OL7
BurnriggNY478555Explorer 315
BurrellsNY679182Explorer OL19
BurtholmeNY557641Explorer 315
BurthwaiteNY415496Explorer OL5
Burton-in-KendalSD530765Explorer OL7
BuskNY608420Explorer OL31
ButtermereNY174170Explorer OL4
ButterwickNY510196Explorer OL5


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
CaldbeckNY323377Explorer OL5
CalderNY 039 035Explorer OL6
Calder BridgeNY 042 060Explorer 303, OL6
CalthwaiteNY467402Explorer OL5
CalvoNY143537Explorer 314
Cambeck BridgeNY508626Explorer 315
CamertonNY037312Explorer 303, OL4
Canal FootSD314765Explorer OL7
CardewNY340492Explorer OL5
CardewleesNY349511Explorer 315
CardurnockNY 172 588Explorer 314
CargoNY365592Explorer 315
CarkSD363765Explorer OL7
Carleton (Carlisle)NY 429 528Explorer 315
Carleton (Copeland)SD 080 983Explorer 303, OL4, OL6
Carleton (Eden)NY529296Explorer OL5
Carr BankSD472789Explorer OL7
CarlisleNY395555Explorer 315
CartmelSD380786Explorer OL7
Cartmel FellSD 418 881Explorer OL7
CarwinleyNY404727Explorer 323, 324
CastertonSD 624 797Explorer OL2
Castle CarrockNY577534Explorer 315
CastletownNY 506 301Explorer OL5
Cat BankSD302972Explorer OL6, OL7
CatlowdyNY460768Explorer 324
CatterlenNY 484 333Explorer OL5
Causeway EndSD486856Explorer OL7
CausewayheadNY125529Explorer 314
CautleySD 693 952Explorer OL19
ChalkfootNY338485Explorer 315, OL5
ChapelNY226315Explorer OL4
Chapel StileNY320055Explorer OL7
ChapelsSD 237 839Explorer OL6
Chestnut HillNY 282 237Explorer OL4
Church BroughNY 795 142Explorer OL19
ClappersgateNY366035Explorer OL7
ClawthorpeSD530775Explorer OL7
CleabarrowSD421963Explorer OL7
CleatorNY015135Explorer 303, OL4
Cleator MoorNY021150Explorer 303, OL4
CliburnNY 588 246Explorer OL7
CliftonNY 534 267Explorer OL5
Clifton DykesNY 547 270Explorer OL5
CockermouthNY121304Explorer 303, OL4
CocklakeNY454510Explorer 315
Cockley BeckNY246015Explorer OL6
ColbyNY 666 205Explorer OL19
ColthouseSD 359 985Explorer OL7
ColtonSD 318 861Explorer OL7
Common EndNY004223Explorer 303
ConistonSD 303 976Explorer OL6, OL7
Corby HillNY479570Explorer 315
CorkickleNX979170Explorer 303
CorneySD 116 914Explorer OL6
CotehillNY467502Explorer 315
CotesSD485869Explorer OL7
CouldertonNX978087Explorer 303
CouplandNY711188Explorer OL19
Cowan HeadSD491972Explorer OL7
CowgillSD755875Explorer OL2
CrackenthorpeNY 661 222Explorer OL19
CroasdaleNY 094 175Explorer 303, OL4
CroftonNY305505Explorer 315, OL5
CroglinNY572471Explorer OL5
CrookSD 464 951Explorer OL7
CrooklandsSD534835Explorer OL7
CrosbyNY074384Explorer OL4
Crosby GarrettNY 728 094Explorer OL19
Crosby RavensworthNY 621 147Explorer OL19
Crosby VillaNY091390Explorer OL4
Croslands ParkSD 212 712Explorer OL6
Cross EndNY638258Explorer OL19
CrosscanonbyNY069391Explorer OL4
CrossgatesNY075210Explorer 303, OL4
CrosslandsSD 343 895Explorer OL7
CrosthwaiteSD437914Explorer OL7
CulgaithNY 610 297Explorer OL19, OL31
CumdivockNY343486Explorer OL5
CummersdaleNY390531Explorer 315
CumrewNY 550503Explorer 315
CumwhintonNY451528Explorer 315
CumwhittonNY507508Explorer 315
CurrockNY 403 542Explorer 315


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
DacreNY 459 265Explorer OL5
DaleNY543440Explorer OL5
Dale BottomNY 296 218Explorer OL4
DalemainNY 478 269Explorer OL5
DalstonNY395555Explorer 315, OL4
DaltonSD542766Explorer OL7
Dalton-in-FurnessSD228738Explorer OL6
DeanNY075252Explorer 303, OL4
DeanscalesNY092264Explorer 303, OL4
DearhamNY075365Explorer OL4
DeepthwaiteSD516833Explorer OL7
DendronSD246706Explorer OL6
DentSD 704 870Explorer OL2
Denton HolmeNY 398 546Explorer 315
DistingtonNY 006 236Explorer 303
DockrayNY 393 216Explorer OL5
DovenbyNY 095 335Explorer OL4
Down HallNY 282 525Explorer 314
Dragley BeckSD292776Explorer OL6, OL7
DriggSD064990Explorer OL6
DrumburghNY 265 598Explorer 314
DrumleaningNY270518Explorer 314
DrybeckNY668153Explorer OL19
DubwathNY196311Explorer OL4
Duddon BridgeSD198880Explorer OL6
DuftonNY 689 250Explorer OL19
DundrawNY 216 499Explorer 314
Dungeon GhyllNY 294 065Explorer OL6
DurdarNY 405 510Explorer 315
DykesfieldNY307591Explorer 315


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
EaglesfieldNY094281Explorer 303, OL4
Eamont BridgeNY523281Explorer OL5
East CurthwaiteNY332487Explorer OL5
EddersideNY100455Explorer OL4
EdenhallNY566324Explorer OL5
EdentownNY 398 577Explorer 315
EgremontNY008109Explorer 303
EllenboroughNY045357Explorer OL4
EllonbyNY424352Explorer OL5
ElterwaterNY327048Explorer OL7
EmbletonNY163301Explorer OL4
EndmoorSD538848Explorer OL7
Ennerdale BridgeNY069159Explorer 303, OL4
Eskdale GreenNY141001Explorer OL6
EskettNY052171Explorer 303, OL4
EtterbyNY 387 572Explorer 315
EwanriggNY039355Explorer OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
Fair HillNY 512 312Explorer OL5
Far ArnsideSD449763Explorer OL7
Far SawreySD368957Explorer OL7
FarlamNY562582Explorer 315
FarletonSD 536 811Explorer OL7
FaughNY507549Explorer 315
Fell SideNY 304 375Explorer OL4, OL5
FentonNY501560Explorer 315
Field BroughtonSD387813Explorer OL7
FinglandNY254569Explorer 314
FinsthwaiteSD366878Explorer OL7
FirbankSD 626 941Explorer OL19
FletchertownNY206429Explorer OL4
FlimbyNY 024 335Explorer OL4
FlitholmeNY761150Explorer OL19
FlookburghSD365758Explorer OL7
FloristonriggNY 357 642Explorer 315
Force ForgeSD 337 908Explorer OL7
Forest HeadNY 582 575Explorer 315
FornsideNY319204Explorer OL5
FothergillNY023342Explorer OL4
FoxfieldSD208854Explorer OL6
FrizingtonNY 034 170Explorer 303, OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
GaisgillNY 640 054Explorer OL19
GalligillNY 758 447Explorer OL31
GamblesbyNY608395Explorer OL31
GamelsbyNY258524Explorer 314
GarlandsNY 436 537Explorer 315
Garnett BridgeSD522992Explorer OL7
GarrigillNY745415Explorer OL31
GarsdaleSD 748 896Explorer OL2
Garsdale HeadSD786919Explorer OL19
Garth RowSD 527 976Explorer OL7
GatebeckSD 549 858Explorer OL7
GatesgarthNY193149Explorer OL4
GawthropSD692873Explorer OL2
GawthwaiteSD270848Explorer OL6
GeltsdaleNY569536Explorer 315
GilcruxNY115381Explorer OL4
GilslandNY633664Explorer OL43
GlassonNY 032 363Explorer OL4
GlassonNY252605Explorer OL4
GlassonbyNY 577 389Explorer OL5
GlassonbybeckNY 579 395Explorer OL5
GleastonSD255707Explorer OL6
GlencoyneNY 384 187Explorer OL5
GlenriddingNY383170Explorer OL5
GoadsbarrowSD 260 684Explorer OL6
GoodyhillsNY107467Explorer OL4
GosforthNY 070 035Explorer OL6
Grange FellNY268172Explorer OL7
Grange in BorrowdaleNY252174Explorer OL4
Grange-over-SandsSD 407 779Explorer OL6
GrasmereNY335074Explorer OL6
GrassgarthSD 458 868Explorer OL6
GrayriggSD 578 972Explorer OL6
Grayson GreenNX 996 250Explorer 303
Great AsbyNY679132Explorer OL19
Great BlencowNY451305Explorer OL5
Great BroughtonNY074314Explorer 303, OL4
Great CliftonNY 041 295Explorer 303, OL4
Great CorbyNY 472 544Explorer 315
Great CrosthwaiteNY 261 241Explorer OL4
Great MusgraveNY767135Explorer OL19
Great OrmsideNY700173Explorer OL19
Great OrtonNY328542Explorer 315
Great SalkeldNY 551 367Explorer OL5
Great StricklandNY 557 228Explorer OL5
Great UrswickSD267741Explorer OL6
Green BankSD 380 803Explorer OL7
GreengillNY 105 372Explorer OL4
GreenholmeNY 598 057Explorer OL7
GreenoddSD313825Explorer OL7
GreenrowNY111525Explorer 314
GreenwellNY 537 565Explorer 315
GreysouthenNY071 291Explorer 303, OL4
GreystokeNY 490 308Explorer OL5
GrinsdaleNY367579Explorer 315
GrisedaleSD 777 932Explorer OL19
GrizebeckSD 239 851Explorer OL6
GrizedaleSD 336 944Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
HackthorpeNY543230Explorer OL5
HaileNY035091Explorer 303, OL6
HailforthNY086462Explorer OL4
HaleSD504785Explorer OL7
HalfpennySD 534 875Explorer OL7
Hall DunnerdaleSD 215 955Explorer OL6
Hall SantonNY 101 013Explorer OL6
Hall WaberthwaiteSD 101 951Explorer OL6
HallbankgateNY585595Explorer 315, OL43
Hallow BankNY 466 053Explorer OL6
HallthwaitesSD 182 854Explorer OL6
Haltcliff BridgeNY366365Explorer OL5
HampsfieldSD 405 804Explorer OL7
HardendaleNY581146Explorer OL5
HaresceughNY 609 429Explorer OL31
HarkerNY395607Explorer 315
Harker MarshNY 061 345Explorer OL4
HarrabyNY 425 537Explorer 315
HarringtonNX985255Explorer 303
HarristonNY159416Explorer OL4
HartleyNY 783 087Explorer OL19
HartsopNY405131Explorer OL5
HaveriggSD160787Explorer OL6
HaverthwaiteSD 341 838Explorer OL7
HawcoatSD 208 719Explorer OL6
HawksdaleNY 369 483Explorer OL5
HawksheadSD 352 982Explorer OL7
Hawkshead HillSD336986Explorer OL7
Hayton (Allerdale)NY 108 415Explorer OL4
Hayton (Carlisle)NY507576Explorer 315
HazelslackSD476786Explorer OL7
Heads NookNY493551Explorer 315
HeaningSD 432 991Explorer OL7
HeathwaiteSD 416 978Explorer OL7
Heggle LaneNY 365 354Explorer OL5
HelbeckNY 795 155Explorer OL19
HeltonNY509221Explorer OL5
HensinghamNX990166Explorer 303
Hesket NewmarketNY338386Explorer OL5
HethersgillNY477671Explorer 315
HevershamSD 496 833Explorer OL7
High BankhillNY 561 421Explorer OL5
High BewaldethNY 224 342Explorer OL4
High BigginsSD 601 783Explorer OL2
High CastertonSD 622 789Explorer OL2
High CrosbyNY 455 598Explorer 315
High HarringtonNY 003 254Explorer 303
High HesketNY474443Explorer OL5
High IrebyNY 231 372Explorer OL4
High KnipeNY 520 197Explorer OL5
High LortonNY 164 257Explorer OL4
High NewtonSD401828Explorer OL7
High OaksSD 627 910Explorer OL19
High ScalesNY 188 457Explorer OL4
High SideNY 235 306Explorer OL4
High WallowbarrowSD 221 963Explorer OL6
High WraySD 373 999Explorer OL7
HighbridgeNY 395 438Explorer OL5
HighlawsNY141497Explorer 314, OL4
HighmoorNY 262 474Explorer 314, OL4
Hill TopSD 371 955Explorer OL7
HiltonNY 733 206Explorer OL19
HincasterSD 509 847Explorer OL7
HodbarrowSD 185 785Explorer OL6
HoffNY675176Explorer OL19
Holborn HillSD167803Explorer OL19
HolkerSD 361 772Explorer OL7
HolmeSD 523 789Explorer OL7
Holme St CuthbertNY104470Explorer 314, OL4
HolmrookSD077995Explorer OL6
HolmwrangleNY 517 484Explorer OL5
HopebeckNY 163 240Explorer OL4
HornsbyNY 516 501Explorer OL5
HoughtonNY407593Explorer 315
HowNY504563Explorer 315
HowgateNX 990 212Explorer 303
HowgillSD 634 966Explorer OL19
Hubbersty HeadSD 426 917Explorer OL7
HunsonbyNY 581 356Explorer OL5
HuttonNY 435 267Explorer OL5
Hutton EndNY 450 385Explorer OL5
Hutton-in-the-ForestNY 462 359Explorer OL5
Hutton JohnNY 440 269Explorer OL5
Hutton Roof (Eden)NY 373 341Explorer OL5
Hutton Roof (South Lakeland)SD 570 782Explorer OL7
HycemoorSD093892Explorer OL6


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
IngsSD445985Explorer OL6
IrebyNY238390Explorer OL4
IrelethSD214777Explorer OL6
IrthingtonNY 497 615Explorer 315
IselNY158338Explorer OL4
IvegillNY 418 432Explorer OL5


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
JohnbyNY433329Explorer OL5
JerichoNY113463Explorer OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
KaberNY 797 116Explorer OL19
KeekleNY004162Explorer 303
KeisleyNY708236Explorer OL19
KelbarrowNY331071Explorer OL7
KeldNY552144Explorer OL5
KellethNY660052Explorer OL19
KellsNX 968 171Explorer 303
KelsickNY 203 502Explorer 314
KendalSD 517 928Explorer OL7
KentmereNY 456 041Explorer OL7
KentriggSD515942Explorer OL7
Kents BankSD 397 757Explorer OL7
KershopefootNY477828Explorer 324
KeswickNY270233Explorer OL4
KillingtonSD 614 889Explorer OL2
KilnhillNY 215 327Explorer OL4
King’s MeaburnNY 621 211Explorer OL19
Kingside HillNY 158 514Explorer 314
KingstownNY 390 593Explorer 315
Kinkry HillNY 515 752Explorer 324
Kirkandrews-on-EdenNY352583Explorer 315
KirkbamptonNY306564Explorer 315
KirkbrideNY228564Explorer 314
Kirkby-in-FurnessSD 227 825Explorer OL6
Kirkby LonsdaleSD 609 786Explorer OL2
Kirkby StephenNY 775 088Explorer OL19
Kirkby ThoreNY639257Explorer OL19
KirkcambeckNY 534 690Explorer 315
KirkhouseNY 568 598Explorer 315
Kirkland (in Ennerdale)NY071180Explorer 303, OL4
Kirkland (near Penrith)NY647324Explorer OL31
Kirkland GuardsNY187401Explorer OL4
KirklintonNY435668Explorer 315
KirkoswaldNY355541Explorer OL5
KirksantonSD139807Explorer OL6
KnockNY679270Explorer OL19
KnowefieldNY 402 576Explorer 315


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
Lady HallSD 193 860Explorer OL6
LaithesNY463328Explorer OL5
LakesideSD376873Explorer OL7
LambfootNY 164 303Explorer OL4
LambriggSD 599 958Explorer OL7
LamonbyNY 409 358Explorer OL5
LamplughNY088208Explorer 303, OL4
LanercostNY533638Explorer 315
LangriggNY163458Explorer OL4
LangwathbyNY569336Explorer OL5
LaversdaleNY476624Explorer 315
LazonbyNY 548 397Explorer OL5
LeadgateNY706437Explorer OL31
LeasgillSD 497 839Explorer OL7
LeeceSD242693Explorer OL6
LegburthwaiteNY317189Explorer OL5
LessonhallNY224474Explorer 314
LevensSD 488 862Explorer OL7
Lindal-in-FurnessSD250756Explorer OL6
LindaleSD417804Explorer OL7
LinstockNY427584Explorer 315
Little AsbyNY697097Explorer OL19
Little BamptonNY271552Explorer 314
Little BlencowNY 455 329Explorer OL5
Little BroughtonNY076318Explorer 303, OL4
Little CliftonNY055 287Explorer 303, OL4
Little CorbyNY476572Explorer 315
Little CrosthwaiteNY233275Explorer OL4
Little LangdaleNY315033Explorer OL7
Little MusgraveNY759130Explorer OL19
Little OrmsideNY708166Explorer OL19
Little OrtonNY350551Explorer 315
Little SalkeldNY566359Explorer OL5
Little StricklandNY 563 196Explorer OL5
Little TownNY233196Explorer OL4
Little UrswickSD 263 736Explorer OL6
LittlebeckNY623198Explorer OL19
LockhillsNY 509 476Explorer OL5
Long MartonNY 666 246Explorer OL19
LongburghNY307589Explorer 315
LongcroftNY214581Explorer 314
LongdalesNY 519 448Explorer OL5
LonglandsNY 267 360Explorer OL4
LongparkNY 429 620Explorer 315
LongsowerbyNY 393 548Explorer 315
LongthwaiteNY 439 228Explorer OL5
LongtownNY380686Explorer 315, 323
Low CrosbyNY 447 595Explorer 315
Low HarkerNY 387 610Explorer 315
Low HesketNY465463Explorer OL5
Low LortonNY 153 257Explorer OL4
Low WoodSD 346 836Explorer OL7
LowcaNX976220Explorer 303
LoweswaterNY 142 209Explorer OL4
LowickSD 290 861Explorer OL6
LowtherNY 537 237Explorer OL5
LuptonSD 554 812Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
ManserghSD 605 826Explorer OL2
MansriggsSD 291 806Explorer OL6
MartindaleNY 435 186Explorer OL5
MaryportNY038363Explorer OL4
Matterdale EndNY 395 234Explorer OL5
MaughanbyNY 576 380Explorer OL5
Maulds MeaburnNY626160Explorer OL19
MawbrayNY083468Explorer OL4
Meal BankSD 541 957Explorer OL7
MealsgateNY208421Explorer OL4
MelkinthorpeNY555252Explorer OL5
MelmerbyNY615375Explorer OL31
Metal BridgeNY356648Explorer 315
MicklethwaiteNY284504Explorer 314
MiddletonSD622859Explorer OL2
MidgeholmeNY 642 589Explorer OL43
MilburnNY655293Explorer OL19, OL31
MillomSD172802Explorer OL6
MilnthorpeSD496815Explorer OL7
MockerkinNY089232Explorer 303, OL4
MonkhillNY342586Explorer 315
MortonNY 383 548Explorer OL5
Moor RowNY004142Explorer 303
MoresbyNX 993 205Explorer 303
MorlandNY 598 224Explorer OL5, OL19
MosedaleNY356322Explorer OL5
MosserNY 115 248Explorer 303, OL4
MuncasterSD 103 963Explorer OL6
MungrisdaleNY 363 305Explorer OL5
MurtonNY 728 217Explorer OL19


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
NatebyNY774067Explorer OL19
NatlandSD521892Explorer OL7
Near SawreySD368957Explorer OL7
NenthallNY 758 458Explorer OL31
NentheadNY785435Explorer OL2
NethertownNX 990 075Explorer 303
Nether WasdaleNY123040Explorer 303, OL6
Newbiggin (Croglin)NY556491Explorer OL5
Newbiggin (Stainton)NY470289Explorer OL5
Newbiggin (Temple Sowerby)NY 629 285Explorer OL19, OL31
Newbiggin-on-LuneNY704051Explorer OL19
New CowperNY121453Explorer OL4
NewbyNY 592 213Explorer OL5
Newby BridgeSD369861Explorer OL7
Newby EastNY 476 584Explorer 315
Newby WestNY 368 539Explorer 315
New HuttonSD 561 910Explorer OL7
New RentNY 457 365Explorer OL5
NewtonSD230716Explorer OL6
Newton ArloshNY201551Explorer 314
Newton ReignyNY478315Explorer OL5
Newton RiggNY 492 308Explorer OL5
NewtownNY098484Explorer 314, OL4
North DykesNY 543 374Explorer OL5
North ScaleSD180700Explorer OL6


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
OddendaleNY593133Explorer OL5
Old HuttonSD 559 887Explorer OL7
OrthwaiteNY 252 341Explorer OL4
OrtonNY623083Explorer OL19
OughtersideNY116407Explorer OL4
OultonNY245507Explorer 314
OusbyNY 620 350Explorer OL31
OuthgillNY781016Explorer OL19
Oxen ParkSD318872Explorer OL7
OxenholmeSD530898Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
PapcastleNY109315Explorer 303, OL4
Park BroomNY432588Explorer 315
ParsonbyNY142388Explorer OL4
PartonNX979205Explorer 303
PatterdaleNY 395 160Explorer OL5
PenningtonSD260770Explorer OL6
PenrithNY515305Explorer OL5
PenruddockNY429275Explorer OL5
PeluthoNY120489Explorer 314
Piel IslandSD 233 637Explorer OL6
PlumblandNY149391Explorer OL4
PlumptonNY496372Explorer OL5
PonsonbyNY050048Explorer 303, OL6
Pooley BridgeNY471244Explorer OL5
Port CarlisleNY241622Explorer 314
PortinscaleNY248237Explorer OL4
Preston PatrickSD 543 843Explorer OL7
ProspectNY 116 408Explorer OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
Quality CornerNX987196Explorer 303


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
RampsideNY236659Explorer OL6
RavenglassSD 084 963Explorer OL6
RavenstonedaleNY723040Explorer OL19
Raughton HeadNY379454Explorer OL5
RenwickNY596435Explorer OL5
RickerbyNY414570Explorer 315
RoanheadSD 206 759Explorer 324
RockcliffeNY 359 617Explorer 315
Rockcliffe CrossNY343627Explorer 315
RooseSD 225 692Explorer OL6
RoosebeckSD 256 678Explorer OL6
RosleyNY 319 453Explorer OL5
RossideSD 272 786Explorer OL6
Rosthwaite (Allerdale)NY257148Explorer OL4
Rosthwaite (South Lakeland)SD239899Explorer OL6
RoundthwaiteNY607033Explorer OL19
RoutenbeckNY194303Explorer OL4
RowrahNY 057 185Explorer 303, OL4
RuckcroftNY531441Explorer OL5
RuleholmeNY490600Explorer 315
RuslandSD342887Explorer OL7
RuthwaiteNY 237 367Explorer OL4
RydalNY362046Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
SadgillNY481057Explorer OL7
St BeesNX971115Explorer 303
Salkeld DykesNY 546 364Explorer OL5
SaltaNY083455Explorer OL4
SandaleNY 248 402Explorer OL4
SandfordNY728161Explorer OL19
Santon BridgeNY110016Explorer OL6
SatterthwaiteSD338923Explorer OL7
ScalebyNY 447 631Explorer 315
ScalebyhillNY 440 636Explorer 315
Scales (near Ulverston)SD269722Explorer OL6
Scales (near Threlkeld)NY 343 269Explorer OL5
ScotbyNY440551Explorer 315
SeascaleNY 038 011Explorer OL6
Seathwaite (in the Duddon Valley)SD 227 960Explorer OL6
Seathwaite (in Borrowdale)NY233118Explorer OL4
SeatollerNY244137Explorer OL4
SeatonNY018310Explorer 303, OL4
SeberghamNY357418Explorer OL5
SedberghSD 657 922Explorer OL19
SedgwickSD508878Explorer OL7
SelsideSD539988Explorer OL7
ShapNY563150Explorer OL5
ShoregillNY 780 014Explorer OL19
SiddickNY000311Explorer 303
SilecroftSD129819Explorer OL6
SillothNY113536Explorer 314
SkeltonNY 436 355Explorer OL5
Skelwith BridgeNY344033Explorer OL7
SkinburnessNY126558Explorer 314
SkirwithNY615325Explorer OL31
SkitbyNY448657Explorer 315
Slack HeadSD491787Explorer OL7
SmardaleNY738081Explorer OL19
SmithfieldNY441653Explorer 315
SockbridgeNY 502 267Explorer OL5
Soulby (near Dacre) NY461250Explorer OL5
Soulby (near Kirkby Stephen)NY 749 110Explorer OL19
SouthwaiteNY449451Explorer OL5
Spark BridgeSD305849Explorer OL7
Stainton (Eden)NY483793Explorer OL5
Stainton (South Lakeland)SD522859Explorer OL7
Stainton with AdgarleySD248724Explorer OL6
StairNY236212Explorer OL4
StankSD 234 705Explorer OL6
StapletonNY503713Explorer 324
StaveleyNY469981Explorer OL7
Staveley-in-CartmelSD379861Explorer OL7
StockdalewathNY385445Explorer OL5
Stone HouseSD769860Explorer OL2
StorrsSD394940Explorer OL7
StorthNY490790Explorer OL7
Stub PlaceSD082905Explorer OL6
StudholmeNY259560Explorer 314
SunderlandNY178354Explorer OL4
SwarthmoorSD 273 773Explorer OL6
Swinside (Keswick)NY 243 217Explorer OL4
Swinside (Broughton-in-Furness)SD 170 883Explorer OL6


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
TallentireNY108352Explorer OL4
TalkinNY548573Explorer 315
TarrabyNY409582Explorer 315
TarnsNY117478Explorer 314, OL4
TebayNY618045Explorer OL19
Temple SowerbyNY 611 271Explorer OL19
ThiefsideNY 487 415Explorer OL5
ThornhillNY010088Explorer 303
Thornthwaite (Keswick)NY222254Explorer OL4
Thornthwaite (Wigton)NY 271 419Explorer OL4
ThreaplandNY156393Explorer OL4
ThrelkeldNY 323 254Explorer OL5
ThursbyNY 326 503Explorer 315
ThurstonfieldNY 316 566Explorer 315
ThwaitesSD179853Explorer OL6
TirrilNY 504 267Explorer OL5
TodhillsNY369628Explorer 315
TorpenhowNY202397Explorer OL4
TorverSD283941Explorer OL6
Troutbeck (near Penrith)NY385265Explorer OL5
Troutbeck (near Windermere)NY407030Explorer OL7
Troutbeck BridgeNY404002Explorer OL7


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
UldaleNY 249 370Explorer OL4
UlphaSD198935Explorer OL6
UlverstonSD 288 783Explorer OL6
UnderbarrowSD467921Explorer OL7
Unthank (near Dalston)NY395483Explorer OL5
Unthank (near Glassonby)NY604403Explorer OL31
Unthank EndNY454355Explorer OL5
Upper DentonNY616654Explorer OL43
UrswickSD267741Explorer OL6


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
VickerstownSD179685Explorer OL6


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
WaberthwaiteSD172802Explorer OL6
WaltonNY 522 645Explorer 315
WarcopNY 748 155Explorer OL19
WarnellNY 347 418Explorer OL5
Warwick BridgeNY474567Explorer 315
Warwick-on-EdenNY464565Explorer 315
Wasdale HeadNY189085Explorer OL6
WatchgateSD 528 990Explorer OL7
WatendlathNY274163Explorer OL4
WatermillockNY274163Explorer OL5
WaverbridgeNY223490Explorer 314, OL4
WavertonNY224475Explorer 314, OL4
WeltonNY 353 444Explorer OL5
WestnewtonNY 136 441Explorer OL4
WestwardNY272446Explorer OL4
WetheralNY 466 545Explorer 315
WhaleNY 522 215Explorer OL5
WhichamSD 132 825Explorer OL6
WhitehavenNX974181Explorer 303
WickerslackNY 609 156Explorer OL19
WiggonbyNY296530Explorer 314, 315
WigtonNY255481Explorer 314, OL4
WiltonNY036110Explorer 303, OL4
WindermereSD 412 987Explorer OL7
WinscalesNY 026 262Explorer 303, OL4
WintonNY 784 106Explorer OL19
WitherslackSD 435 837Explorer OL7
WolstyNY104509Explorer 314
Woodend (Egremont)NY008128Explorer 303
Woodend (Ulpha)SD188950Explorer OL6
WoodlandSD246891Explorer OL6
WorkingtonNX996279Explorer 303
WreayNY434489Explorer OL5
WythburnNY 322 128Explorer OL5
Wythop MillNY 178 296Explorer OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)
YanwathNY 512 278Explorer OL5
YarlsideSD 224 698Explorer OL6
YearngillNY139440Explorer OL4


PlaceGrid referenceOS Map(s)

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