Following on from the first post in this series on OS Maps of Northern England, this is the Northumberland one. In this post I will look at what maps cover Northumberland and what the interesting features are on each. I will also highlight which maps cover the Northumberland National Park.
Continue reading “OS Maps of Northern England – Northumberland”OS Maps of Northern England

I’m producing a series of articles on paper OS maps that cover Northern England. As I’ve said before, North England for me consists of Northumberland, Cumbria, Tyne & Wear, Durham and North Yorkshire. So these are the areas that I will cover. The first in the series is the place where I do most of my walking, Northumberland. This will be followed by the other areas. But a bit more on why I’m doing this before going on to the articles themselves.
Continue reading “OS Maps of Northern England”Walking and staying home
Can’t stop thinking about being out walking but are following the rules and staying home?

Obviously, if you are self isolating or just staying home like you’ve been told, you can’t walk far. Just from the sofa to the kettle and back again and maybe varying it a little with a hill walk to the upstairs lavatory. Everyone has favourite walks that they repeat many times but this is taking it a bit too far.
We all need to keep ourselves busy until we can safely venture out again. I’ve learned a bit about keeping busy recently. I got a cough about a week before we all got told to stay home, so not being able to know whether its a cold, flu or a mild case of CoViD19, I had no choice but to stay in the house and wait for it to go away. So, to fill the time between “Homes under the Hammer” and “Pointless”, I decided to plan where to go after this is all over with.
I started looking for new places to go and planning walks around them. As well as this I did a bit of research about the walk to see if there is anything interesting close by and there usually is. This post is about what I used to do this without going out to recce the walk and maybe trying these online tools might entertain you for a while.
Continue reading “Walking and staying home”Beer and Pie Night – Cheviot Brewery

Recently, I was lucky enough to be invited to a beer and pie night. North Northumberland Tourism Association (NNTA) and the Cheviot Brewery hosted this. Two of my favourite things are beer and pies, so I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity like this.
Continue reading “Beer and Pie Night – Cheviot Brewery”Rambling above Rothbury

Last week I went out on my first solo walk of the year. A bit of rambling above Rothbury. Solo walking is a unique experience, very different to walking in groups. There is no timetable and no fixed route. It is the very definition of freedom and I enjoy it very much.
Continue reading “Rambling above Rothbury”Blind Veterans UK volunteers
What is Walking North England?
Well what is Walking North England? It is what it says, a website about walking in North England and anything related to that. It started when I decided that I wanted to start a blog, but wasn’t sure what subject to choose. I had plenty of ideas but just couldn’t settle on any particular one. As with everything these days, I took to the internet to find out what to do. Choose an interesting subject and something you have knowledge about was the advice. Did that help? Not really. I had a huge list of things that I was interested in and a small list of things that I felt I was knowledgeable about.
Continue reading “What is Walking North England?”